
Welcome! How nice that you stumbled upon my blog ❤️😊! I started flourishing together with the idea of sharing what we have learnt over the years that we think might be useful for someone else too. I think that when we start consciously making small improvements in one area of our lives, that we will notice improvements in the other ones as well. In that same way, when we don’t feel content with one area of our lives, it may be reflected on other areas of our lives too.

So, what can you expect from my blog?

I want to dive deeper into some aspects of foods that may help us make healthier choices. Finding ways to implement healthier habits is something that I’m still working on, so I want to share any information that I have found useful. I also want to share some insights I’ve gotten throughout my study that I think more people should know about!

I find personal development a very important area in our lives as well, so I want to write about it! I think it is very important to carve out time in our days for ourselves, whether that be to learn something new, develop or strengthen a skill, for hobbies or simply to relax! So eventually, I want to write about books that I find interesting, presentation skills or even professional growth. Please feel free to leave comments in my posts, I’d love to hear your insights and ideas as well 💡!

Growth can quite challenging, there are often many ups and downs involved with it, but it feels great when you can look back on time and realize how much you’ve changed… and the beautiful journey that you’ve taken on as well! Therefore, I envision this blog to be a space where we seek small improvements so that we can live happier and more fulfilled lives 😁☀️.

A little about me, I am studying my master’s degree in food technology and I’m passionate about developing nutritious food products. I also love cooking, spending time with family and friends, and traveling! 

I hope you find something here that helps you some way, let’s flourish together 🌸!

~ Lucia